 2004年度は学術論文の論文審査依頼が異常に多くてMacromoloecules, Polymer, Polymer Journal, Advanced Materialsなどの投稿論文で併せて8件の査読をしました。また他の仕事が忙しかったたため2件ほどは断ったと思います。例年に比べて査読の多さには閉口しました。
 そんな中でMacromolecules (アメリカ化学会)の編集者から感謝メールが来ました。それによるとMacromoleculesの査読を5件以上したのは世界で200人で、その中に入っているとのことでした。ありがたい反面論文査読はボランティアなので大変です。
Dear Takahiko:

I am writing to thank you personally for your substantial contributions to the task of reviewing manuscripts for Macromolecules.  The quality of our published papers, and the speed with which they are processed, depend in large measure on the conscientiousness of a community of "volunteers", and for that we are all very grateful.

In calendar year 2004 we received about 2800 manuscripts, and solicited almost 7000 reviews from about 2800 reviewers.  However, as you are no doubt aware the load is not spread evenly. You are among the elite class of "Top 200" reviewers, who have reviewed 5 or more times in 2004. I would like to extend my particular appreciation to you for all your efforts on behalf of the journal.

Best wishes,
Editor: Timothy P. Lodge
Editorial Assistant: Mingjen Chen
Editorial Assistant: Jan Bates